Metronimo Music Theory
Metronimo Music
Theory, version 2.0, allows to learn to read the treble clef and bass clef, to
know the name of music symbols, and to recognize the name of key signatures.
Treble Clef.
In this game, the notes are represented by the ghosts of the Pacman game.
4 levels are available to learn the treble clef.
- The first level is dedicated to the landmarks and C and G. Notes (ghosts) are
- In the second level, other notes in black are added to the landmarks C and G (always
in red). The notes appear jointly.
- In the third level, there are no landmarks. All notes are black and not appear
- In the fourth level, a note is moved from right to left. You need to find his
name before it was devoured by a Pacman.
For levels 1,2 and 3, you need to do the highest score in less than a minute.
Each correct answer, you earn 10 points. With each wrong answer, you lose 3
At first use, only the level 1 is activated. To activate the following levels,
you must obtain 200 points in less than a minute in the previous levels.
In the fourth level, there is no time limit. You are limited to three lives. If
you make a mistake, you lose a life. If Pacman eats the ghost before you could
answer, you lose a life. A fourth error, the game ends. Your score will be saved
if it is the highest. At the beginning of the game, the speed of Pacman is slow.
It accelerates every 30 seconds.
The Bass Clef.
The levels are the same as the treble clef. The only difference comes from the
landmarks. For the bass clef, the benchmarks are C and F.
The Grand Staff
- In the first level, the scores are static. Each correct answer, you earn 10
points. With each wrong answer, you lose 3 points. You must obtain 200 points in
less than a minute to turn on level 2.
- The second level is the game Pacman. It is identical to Level 4 of the treble
clef or bass clef.
Key signatures
The objective of this game is to find all the key signatures as soon as
possible. 3 games are possible:
- The major keys.
- The minor keys.
- The major and minor keys.
You have to move the name of the key signature on the corresponding image. If
you make a mistake, the name of the key signature returns to its original
location. If you answer correctly, the name of the key signature and the image
disappear. The game ends when all keys have been found.
Music symbols
The game is the same game that the key signature game. You need to move the name
of a music symbol on the corresponding image.
7 games are available:
- Inflections (natural, sharp, flat,double sharp, double flat)
- Clefs, staff, slur, triplet.
- Notes (English)
- Rests (English)
- All music symbols (English)
- Notes (American)
- Rests (American)
- All music symbols (American)
Metronimo Music Theory not teach you the rhythm of music. To learn the rhythm
and have fun, use Rythmonimo.
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Metronimo Music Theory
Software to learn music theory